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Apprenticeships are an amazing way of growing new talent within your school in a cost effective way. They come in a variety of fields and levels enabling you to develop your workforce across the school.

What you need to know

Apprenticeships help you to grow your own talent, reduce staff turnover and give your school the team it needs to succeed. The beauty with apprenticeship training is that it can be used for new and current staff. They are a tried and tested way to recruit new, and to re-train or upskill existing staff of all ages, levels and experience, in a wide variety of roles.

With apprenticeships now being offered up to degree level in a number of different school settings, there is no better time for you to utilise their potential.

The Levy

If your school pays into the Levy, you have this money ring-fenced to be infested into your staff’s development. Employers with an annual pay bill of over £3 million will be required to contribute to the apprenticeship levy. If this is you, you can use these funds to directly drive the skills and training your school needs. If you do not spend these reserved funds, they will be taken back by the government as a tax. 

If you are a non-levy paying school, who does not belong to a MAT or Local Authority and thus has a payroll of under £3 million annually, the government will cover 95% of your training costs, meaning you are only liable for 5%.


If you don’t need to pay the Apprenticeship Levy due to having a payroll under £3 million you will fall under the apprenticeship Co-Investment model. This means you will have to make a small contribution of 5% towards the training fees for your Apprentice and the Government will pay the rest.

The Cost

The current apprenticeship minimum wage is £4.81 per hour. This applies if your apprentice is in the first year of their apprenticeship. After that they are entitled to the National Minimum Wage for their age. Wage can be dependent on the industry, location and type of apprenticeship undertaken with schools often paying more than the minimum apprenticeship wage.


If you decided to take on an apprentice on as a new member of staff at your school you can choose to take advantage of our free recruitment service. As part of this we will advertise your vacancies, shortlist applicants, pre-interview candidates and further talent to match your vacancy from our Talent Bank Careers to try and ensure you only interview the most appropriate people for your vacancy.

Explore Recruitment


All learners follow a blended learning programme and are assigned their own work based tutor who supports them throughout their whole apprenticeship/training programme. As an employer you are also assigned your own relationship manager to support you.

Personal Development

Personal development is a golden thread that goes through all the learning and training we offer. We feel it is a fundamental part of human development and embed this in all we do. Furthermore, this forms the cornerstone of personal wellbeing and we have a number of services to support you whatever your circumstances when learning with us.